
Here you’ll find our thoughts on latest developments, our opinions and our contributions to the changing landscape of legal services delivery. Look for a topic that may interest you or check out our LinkedIn page.


Non-Compete – No More!

The budget this week signalled an incoming ban on non-compete clauses for low and middle-income workers. Here’s what you need to know.
27 March 2025

Latest News

Non-Compete – No More!

The budget this week signalled an incoming ban on non-compete clauses for low and middle-income workers. Here’s what you need to know.
27 March 2025
Lisa Splawa-Neyman

Lisa Splawa-Neyman features in Australasian Lawyer

Lisa Splawa-Neyman shares what drew her to CIE Legal and why mentoring junior lawyers is a core part of her professional purpose.
25 March 2025
Updates to Australia’s illegal logging laws

Updates to Australia’s illegal logging laws

Changes to the illegal logging regulatory framework have now kicked in, as of 3 March 2025.
5 March 2025
Jeremy Snow

Jeremy Snow features in Australasian Lawyer

Read Jeremy's recent interview with Australasian Lawyer where he shares his excitement about legal tech innovations and more.
20 February 2025

Our annual Clear Thinking – Clear Writing Competition was hotly contested, with Hannah Pike emerging as the winner

The winner was our Senior Associate Hannah Pike, with her clearly entitled submission “Barking Dog”.
15 January 2025
Quarterly Report Q4 2024

Quarterly Report: Oct-Dec 2024

This quarter was bustling with activity, with our team stepping out to present to industry leaders, facilitating engaging panels and contributing to industry reports.
13 December 2024
Episode 7: 'The Golden Hour with Allan Briggs and Robert Hadler

Episode 7: ‘The Golden Hour’ with Allan Briggs and Robert Hadler

In the latest episode of Legally Consumed, we had the pleasure of hosting Robert Hadler and Allan Briggs to discuss the importance of cybersecurity with a focus on sensitive customer data. Allan, also known as ‘The Crisis Guy’, is the founder and CEO of Crisis Shield, a crisis management firm. Robert has over 40 years’ experience as a senior advisor at board and executive levels, and is a trusted authority in crisis management.
Episode 06: “It’s like Netflix but for your car”: Switching Lanes with Desmond Hang

Episode 6: ‘It’s like Netflix but for your car’ – Switching Lanes with Desmond Hang

For our sixth episode, our Legally Consumed co-hosts switched lanes and explored the vehicle subscription model offered by Carbar, an automotive technology start-up disrupting the traditional Australian vehicle usage model. Joining us for this episode is Desmond Hang, CEO and Co-Founder of Carbar, who shares how his passion for technology and cars is steering the automotive industry in a new direction.
Episode 5: ‘From Pasture to Pour: Unleashing the Milky Marvels of Australia’ with Jared Pereira

Episode 5: ‘From Pasture to Pour: Unleashing the Milky Marvels of Australia’ with Jared Pereira

In this episode of Legally Consumed, our CIE Legal co-hosts were joined by special guest Jared Pereira. They looked into how Fonterra are tackling climate change with creative solutions, the legalities surrounding the dairy industry and the impacts of the emerging market of plant-based milks on the dairy industry.
Episode 4: ‘The road ahead for driverless cars’ with Professor Michael Milford

Episode 4: ‘The road ahead for driverless cars’ with Professor Michael Milford

In this episode of Legally Consumed, CIE Legal host, Raph Goldenberg, is joined by special guest Professor Michael Milford. They delve into various topics such as the promising business benefits of AVs, the societal benefits in accident reductions and the legal and ethical issues surrounding AVs.
Episode 3: 'Finding a Fake' with Craig Douglas

Episode 3: ‘Finding a fake’ with Craig Douglas

In our third episode, CIE Legal co-hosts, Raph Goldenberg and Kaye Ho, went undercover with Craig Douglas, owner of Nationwide Research Group, an Australia-wide specialist research and investigations company, focussing on brand protection.
New Wave Brewing with Bonehead Brewing

Episode 2: ‘New wave brewing featuring Bonehead Brewing’ featuring Anthony Dinoto and Travis Nott

In this episode of Legally Consumed, our CIE Legal co-hosts took a seat at the bar to learn more about Bonehead Brewing, an independent craft brewery in Melbourne that focuses on producing well-balanced and approachable beers.

Client Stories

Tremendous trust + local expertise delivers strategic acquisition for Arrow Bronze

Tremendous trust + local expertise delivers strategic acquisition for Arrow Bronze

Arrow Bronze is Australia’s leader in the production and supply of Memorial and Architectural plaques and associated products. When it decided to expand by purchasing Australian business Cameo Memorials, CEO Hymie Jechilevsky turned to CIE Legal for advice.
CIE Legal's Mo-tivation: Hairy Fundraising and Contract Magic for Movember

CIE Legal’s Mo-tivation: Hairy Fundraising and Contract Magic for Movember

So many individuals and organisations are raising funds for men’s health this November and CIE Legal is no exception. Yes, the global phenomenon that is Movember is here again and it’s bigger than ever.
Pragmatism and mutual respect gets landmark deal done for Optimus

Pragmatism and mutual respect gets landmark deal done for Optimus

CIE Legal represented Optimus Group on its recent acquisition of Autopact in what is a landmark deal for the automotive sector.
New style of advice makes life easier for Ford Australia

New style of advice makes life easier for Ford Australia

We caught up with Rebecca Browne, Senior Legal Counsel at Ford Australia, to understand her impressions of CIE Legal’s style of advice.
Swift and decisive action recovers funds for online retailer

Swift and decisive action recovers funds for online retailer

When our client needed assistance in recovering funds from a supplier, they turned to Mark Waters and the team at CIE Legal for help.
Working as an extension of Ford Australia’s in-house team gets the job done

Working as an extension of Ford Australia’s in-house team gets the job done

When Ford decided to bring the F-150 pickup truck back to Australia, they turned to RMA Automotive to adapt the vehicles for Australian requirements.

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